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Opossum Pest Control

Opossum Nuisance Control Products.  We carry Opossum Live Cage Traps, Opossum Repellents and Deterrants, Opossum Traps, Opossum Live Cage Trap Baits and basically anything you need to remove a nuisance opossum.
Opossums are opportunistic omnivores with a very broad range of diet. Their unspecialized biology, flexible diet and reproductive strategy make them successful colonizers and survivors in unsettled times.

When threatened or harmed, they will “play possum

Displaying products 1 - 4 of 4 results
PCS Feather Light Dog Proof Trap
AuSable PCS Feather Light Dog Proof Raccoon and Opossum Trap - Made in the U.S.A.
Price: From $13.95 to $278.95
AuSable PCS Feather Light Dog Proof Raccoon and Opossum Trap - Made in the U.S.A.
The First Ever Cast Aluminum Dog Proof Trap! Made in the USA! The PCS SS Feather Light Dog Proof Coon Trap features a fully enclosed dog proof design with powerful coil springs, a trigger system and a staking system. A raccoon and Opossum catching machine
Hawbaker Skunk and Opossum Lure 1 oz.
Price: $7.49
Hawbaker Skunk and Opossum Lure 1 oz.
Hawbaker's Skunk and Opossum Lure is an unbeatable lure for skunk and opossums. This call lure has thousands of skunks and opossums to its name. A very popular lure for ADC trappers in every corner of the country. Also works in live cage traps for those p
Leggett's Skunk & Possum Lure 4 oz. Bottle
Price: $12.00
Leggett's Skunk & Possum Lure 4 oz. Bottle
This lure is perfect for cage trapping skunks & opossums. A true lure for capturing both species of pest animals.
Lenon Lures Skunk & Opossum Super All Call
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
Lenon Lures Skunk & Opossum Super All Call
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