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The Snare Shop Wolf and Hog Snares - 8 Feet 1/8" Cable - Cam Lock Wire Swivel

Price : From $39.95 to $349.95
Manufacturer : The Snare Shop
Manufacturer Part No : Snare501

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The Snare Shop's Cam Lock Wolf & Wild Hog Snares  

Cut Cable Length: 8 Feet

Cable Size: 7x7 1/8” Galvanized Aircraft Cable
Support Collar: Universal Twist On
Lock: 1/8” Cam Lock

Deer Stop: None

Anchor End: 9 gauge wire swivel

Target Animal: Wolves, Wild Hogs, Alligators


Deer Stop: A standard deer stop makes a 2 ½" diameter loop. It is a stop we crimp in the snare during assembly that prevents the snare loop from closing all the way.  The deer stop allows a leg caught deer to pull its leg back through the snare, and allows you to re-set the snare. Check your state's regulations when it comes to deer stops, some states require them, some don't, and some have specific diameters the deer stop must be set at. This is also a live catch stop for fox.



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