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Bridger Body Gripper Trap

bridger traps

Bridger Body Gripping Traps

Bridger traps are some of the most dependable and toughest traps on the market.   Trappers personal preference, weather conditions, local laws and rules, and actual set location may modify ones choice on the proper sized trap for your situation.   Bridger Body Grip Traps our a favorite trap for trappers across North America for mink, muskrat, skunk, raccoon, otter and beaver.

If you still need assistance on choosing the right size trap please give us a call, and we will advise.(989) 569-3482

Bridger 160 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6

Pictured above is the 160 Bridger Body Grip Trap extremely effective for ground hogs, muskrat, mink, raccoon, otter, and skunk. One of our best selling traps.

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Bridger Coil Spring Traps             Bridger Body Gripper Traps           Bridger Long Spring Traps


Displaying products 1 - 9 of 9 results
Bridger 110 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4
Bridger 110 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4
Price: From $5.29 to $47.00
Bridger 110 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4
Bridger 110 Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4 - Are strong springed, with an excellent dog and trigger system. An excellent trap for muskrat, mink, moles and other small animals.
Bridger 120 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4
Bridger 120 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4
Price: From $7.00 to $72.00
Bridger 120 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4
Bridger 120 Body Gripper Trap 4 x 4 Are strong double springed, with an excellent dog and trigger system. This is an excellent martin, muskrat, mink, and small animal trap.
Bridger 150 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 5 x 5
Bridger 150 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 5 x 5
Price: From $5.20 to $52.00
Bridger 150 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 5 x 5
The 150 Body-Gripper are strong springed with an excellent dog and trigger system. This trap has a 5" X 5" jaw spread. High Quality Traps. Excellent for Muskrat, Mink, and other similar sized animals.
Bridger 155 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 5 x 5
Bridger 155 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 5 x 5
Price: From $7.50 to $75.00
Bridger 155 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 5 x 5
The 155 Body-Gripper are strong springed with an excellent dog and trigger system. This trap has a 5" X 5" jaw spread. High Quality Traps. Excellent for marten, mink, fisher and other similar sized animals.
Bridger 159 Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6
Bridger 159 Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6
Price: From $8.09 to $89.00
Bridger 159 Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6
Excellent for raccoon, mink, muskrat, nutria
Bridger 160 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6
Bridger 160 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6
Price: From $11.59 to $129.00
Bridger 160 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6
Bridger 160 Body Gripper Trap 6 x 6 The 160 Body-Gripper are strong springed with an excellent dog and trigger system. This trap has a 6" X 6" jaw spread. Built so that the spring has a full thrust. Excellent for raccoon, skunk, martin, nutria etc.
Bridger 220 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 7 x 7
Bridger 220 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 7 x 7
Price: From $13.95 to $158.95
Bridger 220 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 7 x 7
Bridger 220 Body Gripper Trap 7 x 7 The 220 Body-Grippers are strong springed with an excellent trigger system. The 7 x 7 Body Gripper is built so that the spring has a full thrust. Excellent for raccoon, skunk, nutria etc.
Bridger 280 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 8
Bridger 280 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 8"x 8"
Price: From $16.39 to $179.00
Bridger 280 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 8"x 8"
Excellent for beaver, fisher, otter, etc.
Bridger 330 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 10 1/2 x 10
Bridger 330 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 10 1/2 x 10
Price: From $22.95 to $258.95
Bridger 330 Magnum Body Gripper Trap 10 1/2 x 10
Bridger 330 Body Gripper Trap 10 x 10 1/2 The 330 Body-Gripper are strong springed with an excellent dog and trigger system. The 10 x 10 1/2 Body Gripper is built so that the spring has a full thrust. Excellent for beaver, fisher, otter, etc.
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