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Fur Harvesters make sure you take advantage of the wealth of information on trapping and predator calling on the web today!
Caven's Minnesota Brand Coon & Mink Bait 9 oz.
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Caven's Lures
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It is dynamite on coon and mink, but that's only where it starts. This is a fish based bait that is ideal to use at any locations where any cirtter is possible.
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
My main fox and coyote lure used at dirt hole sets. Don't spill any of this on your hands or you'll want to cut them off! Canine force works mighty fine during the early season, but really shines later on due to its great calling power.
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
This is a very thick lure loaded with expensive bobcat glands for a natural cat odor. Also works great on fox and coon.
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
A real killer whether used at post or dirt sets. It brings greys in and holds their attention.
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
The fox comes out of the bottle at you when you open this one. This isn't a bottle of urine with a gland dragged through it, but rather a very thick and heavy bodied lure.
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
This multi-ingredient call/food lure will fill up those otter boards as well as a variety of other stretchers. Extremely attractive to mink, coon, fox, coyotes, and bobcats as well as otter. Aged to perfection over one year before bottling.
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
For this lure I grind only the best, fullest castors I can find, add the loudest, most effective, calling agent known to me, and put them in a waterproof base. The result TIMBER!
Price: From $7.50 to $25.00
A very thick, long lasting, natural gland lure that will really stir up those howlers. Yodel dog is made from glands aged to perfection and is not only the answer to post sets, but really dresses up your dirt hole and flat sets.
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