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On the Line With Charles Dobbins (book) This 120-page book is a series of short stories taken from the pages of old trapper magazines.

Price : $12.00
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Item Number : OLWCD
Manufacturer : Dobbin's Trapline Videos, Books & Lures
Manufacturer Part No : OLWCD

On the Line With Charles Dobbins (book)

This 120-page book is a series of short stories taken from the pages of old trapper magazines where Charles wrote of his experiences on his traplines. This book is very entertaining as well as educational. Come along with Charles as he takes you on his traplines as only he could explain his adventures in his easily understood writing style.

Table Of Contents:

My First Coon
Coming Up The Hard Way
Evolution Of A Trapper
Killer Coyote
Winter Camping And Trapping
The Broken Paddle
A Learning Experience
Frozen Down
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