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Pest Control

Largest selection of quality cost effective pest control products on the market. You will find everything to remove your unwanted rodents and animals. If you are an industrial, commercial user, or just need a lot of pest control products, all our products have quantity discounts for larger purchases. We also accept request for quotes and would appreciate the opportunity to be your supplier. We buy directly from the manufacturer and are very competitive in our pricing. 

Animal Containment - Cages / Carriers / Restraint Modules / Squeeze Cages
Top Opening Cages, End Opening Cages, Transfer Cages, Restraint Modules, Squeeze Cages, Cat Dens / Animal Carriers, Tomahawk Disposable Pet Carriers
havhart live traps
Wide variety of small and large cage traps. Traps to fit all nuisance animals.
animal repellers
Featuring quality Animal Repellers by Havahart, Victor and Bird-X. Ultrasonic Animal Repellers, Motion Activated Water Spray Animal Repellers. Extremely effective for protecting yard and garden from Deer, Raccoons, Skunks, Dogs and other nuisance animal
Bat Control
Keep Bats out of your Attic and Walls! Repelling bats, rabbits and squirrels. Keeps bats, birds, rabbits and squirrels out of your attic, chimney, rafters, garages, flower beds and more with this EPA registered bat repellent! Solutions for keeping bats o
Bird Control Products
Bird-X Ultrasonic, Electronic, Visual Bird Scare Devices. Kness Kage-All Sparrow Live Traps and Kage-All Pigeon Live Traps. Your complete bird control headquarters.
nuisance chipmunk control
Chipmunk nuisance pest control products. Chipmunk live cage traps, chipmunk repellents and chipmunk deterrents, chipmunk traditional traps, electronic chipmunk traps. Easy do it yourself nuisance chipmunk removal products.
Deer Control
We carry the products to keep deer away from your garden protecting plants from deer. Protect your garden this year with effective deer control products such as Havahart, Nature's Defense, Bird-X & Deer-Off
Gopher Control
Distributor for Victor and Havahart pest control quality products. If you are an industrial, resale or wholesale purchaser please give us a call for low case prices on all Victor and Havahart products. For great service and great low prices please call
groundhog or woodchuck nuisance control products
Nuisance Woodchuck or Groundhog Control Products. We carry the woodchuck or groundhog nuisance control you need. Effective groundhog and woodchuck traps, repellents, deterrents, electronic devices, baits and supplies you need to rid woodchucks.
Insect Control
Yellow Jacket & Wasp Control Products, Spider Control, Effective Mosquito Control Products, Complete line of Victor and Safer Brand Ant Control Product ,Ant Control Product, Flea and Tick Control Products, Roach Control Products, Scorpion Control Products
Mole Control
Mole Control Traps featuring Victor Mole Traps, Nash Mole Traps, Cinch Mole Traps, Easy Set Mole Eliminator Traps and the Nash Choker Loop Mole Traps. Volume Discounts available on all mole traps. Your Authorized Victor Mole Trap Factory Distributor.
victor rodent control effective control for both mice and rats
Complete line of quality Victor and Kness Rodent Mouse and Rat Control Products. Make sure to check out our other selections of rodent control products and Electronic Kill Rodent Traps.
Opossum Nuisance Control Products. We carry Opossum Live Cage Traps, Opossum Repellents and Deterrants, Opossum Traps, Opossum Live Cage Trap Baits and basically anything you need to remove a nuisance opossum.
rabbit pest control
Nuisance Rabbit Control Products. We carry Rabbit Live Cage Traps, Rabbit Repellent Products, Rabbit Motioned Activated Water Sprayers, and Electronic Rabbit Conrol Products
raccoon nuisance control products
Raccoon Nuisance Control Products. We carry more effective raccoon nuisance control products than anyone. Raccoon Live Cage Traps, Raccoon Dog Proof Traps, Raccoon Repellents, Raccoon Electronic Control Repellents. Raccoon Pest Control Headquarters.
skunk pest control products
Skunk Nuisance Pest Control Products. We carry skunk live cage traps, motion activated Havahart sprayers, skunk liquid repellents and deterrants, and traditional skunk removal products. Let our staff help you pick the proper skunk removal product.
snake repellents
Snake Reppellant products that really work great. Effectively repel garter snakes, rattlesnakes and other species from areas they are not wanted. Get rid of all those pesky snakes with these products
Spider Control
200 different species of spiders have bites that can pose health problems to humans. Many larger species' bites may be painful. So keep these nasty spiders away with these products.
squirrel pest control
Squirrel Control Products to Control Nuisance Squirrels. We have the products to control nuisance red squirrels, fox squirrels, grey squirrels, black squirrels and chipmunks. All effect squirrel control products carried.
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