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Traditions Adjustable Powder Measure Model #A1204

Price : $10.49
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Item Number : A1204
Manufacturer : Traditions Performance Firearms
Manufacturer Part No : A1204

Traditions Adjustable Powder Measure Model #A1204

Measures exact loads from 5 to 120 grains. The non-spill swivel spout design levels the poured propellant on closing. Made of solid brass. A must for safe, accurate shooting.

  • Precise powder measurements from 10 to 120 grains for safe, accurate loading
  • Solid brass construction
  • Non-spill swivel spout automatically levels charge when closed

Loading Instructions:

  1. Swivel funnel to open measure.
  2. Loosen knurled set screw on side of measure.
  3. Set numbered scale to desired charge of Pyrodex, Triple 7 or black powder.
  4. Tighten knurled set screw
  5. Fill measure with powder
  6. Swivel funnel to level power charge
  7. Pour powder charge into bore

Item #: A1204

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