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Traditions Composite Powder Measure Model #A1381
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Item Number
Traditions Performance Firearms
Manufacturer Part No
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Traditions Composite Powder Measure Model #A1381
The economical and reliable way to
accurately measure powder charges. Clear tubular measure with graduated markings
precisely indicates exact powder amounts from 10 to 120 grains.
Item #: A1381
- Weather-resistant, non sparking composite
- Unique see through design with easy-to-read
markings allows rapid measurement.
Leading Instructions:
- Fill measure to recommended charge of
Pyrodex, Triple 7, or black powder.
- Pour recommended powder charge into muzzle.
- Follow firearm manufacturers loading
CAUTION: Be sure to follow the powder
manufacturers precautions and handling instructions. Consult the owners manual
supplied with your firearm for specific loading and shooting safety information.
Always wear eye and ear protections when using, loading, or shooting a firearm.
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